We couldn’t stay away from Disneyland for long, so of course we started planning our next trip almost as soon as we got home from California in August. Halloween is always one of our favorite seasons at the resort, and we knew that we wanted to attend another Mickey’s Halloween Party. Plus, since my birthday is at the end of October, trying to plan a trip around then seemed like a good idea.
Luckily, Tracy never has trouble coming up with a reason to head to Orange County for work (not that she even needs one with the CoolTech open travel policy). After lots of hemming and hawing about which dates would be best—mostly as we tried to figure out which Halloween Party we wanted to go to—we finally settled on October 20th-26th. The flight options weren’t terrific, so we had to go with the one that left terribly early Monday morning and another that wouldn’t get back until very late Sunday night. Still, we were excited when the time came because we’d read plenty of posts and tweets online bragging about all the Halloween decorations and we wanted to get there to see them again for ourselves.
With our tickets to the Halloween Party on the day of our arrival and a couple table service restaurant reservations, our exciting plans were starting to get firmed up. Little did I know, however, the fantastic surprise Tracy had in the works as an early birthday present—but more on that later. Now, grab your costumes and your candy bags because we’re off to California for this trip report: All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Goat!
